4. Shortness of Breath
Kidney disease can cause fluid buildup in the lungs, leading to difficulty breathing. Additionally, anemia caused by kidney disease can reduce the amount of oxygen available to the body, resulting in shortness of breath or a feeling of breathlessness, even with mild physical activity. If you experience frequent or unexplained shortness of breath, it could be related to kidney problems.
5. Persistent Itching or Dry Skin
The kidneys play a critical role in maintaining a balance of minerals and nutrients in the body, including calcium and phosphorus. When the kidneys are not functioning correctly, waste products accumulate in the blood, which can cause persistent itching or dry skin. This itching is often more severe at night and may not be relieved by typical moisturizing creams or lotions. Chronic itching, particularly when accompanied by other symptoms, may be a sign of kidney disease.
6. A Metallic Aftertaste or a Whiff of Ammonia
When the kidneys are unable to filter waste effectively, toxins build up in the blood, leading to a condition known as uremia. This can cause a metallic taste in the mouth or give breath a distinctive ammonia-like odor. Uremia can also reduce appetite and cause food to taste different or unpleasant. If you notice these changes in your sense of taste or breath, it could indicate a decline in kidney function.